Definition of pensive


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The word "pensive" originated in Middle English, around the 14th century. Its etymology can be traced back to the Old French word "pensif", which in turn derived from the Latin "reflectivus", meaning "thoughtful" or "contemplative". At its core, the meaning of "pensive" has always been associated with deep thought or contemplation. Over time, the word has carried varying connotations, depending on the context in which it is used. At times, "pensive" has had a somewhat negative connotation, implying that the person in question is overly introspective or dwells excessively on negative thoughts. In other contexts, however, "pensive" has been used more positively, to connote a sense of contemplative depth or intellectual curiosity. Today, the meaning of "pensive" can be somewhat subjective. Generally, it refers to a person who is lost in thought, perhaps reflecting on something serious or introspective, or who seems contemplative or introspective to the observer. It is often associated with a range of emotions, including sadness, melancholy, or contemplation, and is often used in a literary or poetic context. In summary, the word "pensive" has evolved over time, but its core meaning remains the same: a person who is engaged in deep thought or contemplation, whether seen as positive, negative, or neutral by the observer.

  • The writer sat at his desk, deep in thought and looking decidedly pensive.

    Người viết ngồi vào bàn làm việc, chìm đắm trong suy nghĩ và có vẻ rất trầm ngâm.

  • After losing her job, Sarah spent hours alone, her brow furrowed in pensive contemplation.

    Sau khi mất việc, Sarah dành nhiều giờ một mình, lông mày nhíu lại vì suy tư.

  • The new college graduate sat in his parents' living room, staring off into space and appearing quite pensive.

    Anh chàng mới tốt nghiệp đại học ngồi trong phòng khách nhà bố mẹ, nhìn chằm chằm vào khoảng không và có vẻ khá trầm ngâm.

  • The poet scribbled furiously in her journal, her expression one of intense pensive reflection.

    Nhà thơ viết vội vã vào nhật ký, vẻ mặt thể hiện sự suy tư sâu sắc.

  • The artist stared intently at his latest creation, a look of pensive satisfaction on his face.

    Người nghệ sĩ chăm chú nhìn vào tác phẩm mới nhất của mình với vẻ hài lòng hiện rõ trên khuôn mặt.

  • During her walks along the shore, Emma often lifted her gaze and became lost in thoughtful pensive reflection.

    Trong lúc đi dạo dọc bờ biển, Emma thường ngước mắt lên và đắm chìm vào suy tư sâu lắng.

  • The pianist sat at the grand piano, her forehead creased in pensive concentration as she played.

    Người nghệ sĩ dương cầm ngồi bên cây đại dương cầm, trán cô nhăn lại vì tập trung suy nghĩ khi cô chơi đàn.

  • The architect gazed out the window of his office, tapping his chin pensively as he mulled over decisions regarding new construction projects.

    Người kiến ​​trúc sư nhìn ra ngoài cửa sổ văn phòng, gõ cằm một cách trầm ngâm khi cân nhắc những quyết định liên quan đến các dự án xây dựng mới.

  • The older brother watched his sister as she struggled with a math problem, a look of pensive understanding etched onto his face.

    Người anh trai nhìn em gái mình đang vật lộn với một bài toán, vẻ mặt anh hiện rõ sự hiểu biết sâu sắc.

  • The historian pored over ancient texts, his brow furrowed in pensive consideration of the mysteries of the past.

    Nhà sử học nghiên cứu kỹ các văn bản cổ, nhíu mày khi suy ngẫm về những bí ẩn trong quá khứ.