Definition of pastry


bánh ngọt


The word "pastry" originated from the Old French word "pastrie," which in turn derived from the Latin word "pasta," meaning dough or paste. The Old French "pastrie" originally referred to a savory dish made from dough or pastry, but over time, it came to be used exclusively for sweetened dough, filled or rolled in various shapes. The term "pastry" first appeared in English during the 14th century, with the Middle English spelling "pastré." This word initially referred to a wide variety of sweet, pasty dishes, including pies, tarts, and fritters. As the use of sugar became more widespread in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries, "pastry" came to be more specifically associated with baked goods containing sugar and shortening. The French word "pâtisserie," denoting a bakery selling pâtisseries - a term that has since become more commonly associated with fancy, elaborate desserts - arose separately during the 17th century. Today, the word "pastry" is used in many English-speaking countries to refer to desserts made with dough, as well as the dough itself. It remains a versatile term, encompassing a wide range of baked goods, from classic apple pies to modern danishes and croissants. These treats continue to delight palates around the world, reminding us of the enduring legacy of those early pastries that first graced Europe's tables centuries ago.


a mixture of flour, fat and water or milk that is rolled out flat to be a base or cover for a pie, etc.

hỗn hợp bột mì, chất béo và nước hoặc sữa được cán phẳng để làm đế hoặc vỏ cho một chiếc bánh, v.v.

  • Bake until the pastry is crisp and golden.

    Nướng cho đến khi bánh giòn và vàng.

Extra examples:
  • Brush the pastry with a little water.

    Quét bánh ngọt với một ít nước.

  • Line the tin with the pastry.

    Lót hộp thiếc với bánh ngọt.

a small cake made using pastry

một chiếc bánh nhỏ làm bằng bánh ngọt

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