Definition of particularity


Đặc biệt


The word "particularity" has its roots in the 15th century. It comes from the Latin words "particulares," meaning "belonging to or depending on individuals," and "particula," meaning "small part" or "detail." The word initially referred to individual or specific aspects of something, as opposed to general or universal characteristics. Over time, the meaning of "particularity" evolved to encompass a sense of specificity, attention to detail, and uniqueness. In modern English, the word often describes a person's or thing's distinctive features, habits, or characteristics. For example, a person's particularity might be their love of a specific type of music or their habit of always wearing a certain color. Today, "particularity" is used in various contexts, including literature, psychology, and philosophy, to convey the idea of individuality, nuance, and attention to detail.


the quality of being individual or unique

chất lượng của cá nhân hoặc duy nhất

  • the particularity of each human being

    đặc thù của mỗi con người

attention to detail; being exact

sự chú ý đến chi tiết; chính xác

the special features or details of something

các tính năng đặc biệt hoặc chi tiết của một cái gì đó

  • the particularities of each research project

    đặc điểm của từng dự án nghiên cứu