Definition of partial


một phần


The word "partial" emerged in the English language during the 14th century, primarily as an adjective meaning "favorably disposed" or "biased." Its origin can be traced back to the Middle English word "parcell," which came from the Old French word "parcels" meaning "parts" or "portions." The Middle English word "parcell" was used to describe something that had been divided into parts or portions, just as we might say "partial payment" today. However, the term took on additional meanings during the 14th century, particularly in the context of legal disputes. Lawyers and judges began using the term "parcels" to describe someone who was showing partiality or favoritism towards one side in a case. Over time, the ending of the word evolved from "-cel" to "-cial" and eventually "-cial" and "-tle," which led to the modern spelling of "partial." In medieval times, the word "partial" also had connotations of being imperfect or incomplete. This usage is still in use today, in phrases like "a partial view" or "a partial understanding." Overall, the etymological journey of the word "partial" is a testament to the evolution of the English language and its ongoing incorporation of words from other languages. Its journey has led to the creation of a rich and diverse lexicon that continues to evolve and adapt as our understanding of the world around us changes.


not complete or whole

không đầy đủ hoặc toàn bộ

  • It was only a partial solution to the problem.

    Đó chỉ là giải pháp một phần cho vấn đề.

  • a partial eclipse of the sun

    nhật thực một phần của mặt trời

Extra examples:
  • His efforts met with only partial success.

    Những nỗ lực của ông chỉ đạt được thành công một phần.

  • Our success was only partial.

    Thành công của chúng tôi chỉ là một phần.

  • They received partial compensation of £5 000.

    Họ đã nhận được một phần bồi thường trị giá 5 000 bảng Anh.

liking somebody/something very much

rất thích ai/cái gì

  • I'm not partial to mushrooms.

    Tôi không thích nấm chút nào.

Extra examples:
  • He's very partial to ice cream.

    Anh ấy rất thích ăn kem.

  • I'm especially partial to Latin American music.

    Tôi đặc biệt yêu thích âm nhạc Mỹ Latinh.

showing or feeling too much support for one person, team, idea, etc., in a way that is unfair

thể hiện hoặc cảm thấy ủng hộ quá nhiều cho một người, nhóm, ý tưởng, v.v. theo cách không công bằng

  • The resulting assessment is necessarily partial and subjective.

    Việc đánh giá kết quả nhất thiết phải là một phần và chủ quan.

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