Definition of overactive


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The word "overactive" is believed to have originated in the mid-17th century. "Active" itself has its roots in the Latin "actuus," meaning "active" or "busy." To describe something as "overactive" likely arose from the combination of "over-" (meaning "beyond" or "excessive") and "active." This resulted in a term that describes something or someone that is excessively active, energetic, or intense. In the early 17th century, "overactive" was used to describe physical activities or bodily functions that were judged to be excessive or abnormal. For example, in the 1650s, "overactive" was used to describe a bodily function "too much" or "excessive." Over time, the term evolved to encompass not only physical actions but also mental or emotional states, lending itself to a broader range of uses in contemporary language.


causing harm by doing something too much

gây hại bằng cách làm điều gì đó quá nhiều

  • an overactive thyroid

    tuyến giáp hoạt động quá mức

too active, especially so that they imagine things that are not true

quá tích cực, đặc biệt là họ tưởng tượng những điều không có thật

  • She suffers from an overactive imagination.

    Cô ấy bị mắc chứng tưởng tượng quá mức.