Definition of repressed


kìm nén


The word "repressed" stems from the Latin verb "reprimere," meaning "to press back, hold back, suppress." This sense of holding back or suppressing emotions or thoughts is core to the psychological concept of repression, where unwanted or traumatic experiences are pushed into the unconscious mind. The word entered English in the 16th century and gradually evolved to denote the act of suppressing or holding back, often with a focus on emotional or mental content.


having emotions or desires that are not allowed to be expressed

có những cảm xúc hoặc mong muốn không được phép bày tỏ

  • people who are sexually repressed

    những người bị ức chế tình dục

not expressed openly

không được bày tỏ một cách cởi mở

  • repressed anger

    sự tức giận bị kìm nén

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