Definition of organically


hữu cơ


The word "organically" has its roots in the mid-15th century English word "organ", which refers to an organ of the body or a musical instrument. Over time, the term "organic" emerged to describe something that grows or develops naturally, as opposed to being synthetic or artificial. In the early 19th century, the term "organic" was applied to farming practices that avoided the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, instead relying on natural methods to sustain soil health and crop growth. This movement, known as organic farming, emphasized the importance of ecological balance and the use of natural processes to maintain soil fertility. The term "organically" eventually emerged as an adjective to describe products that were produced using these natural farming methods. Today, the term is commonly used to describe products that are free from artificial additives, preservatives, and other synthetic ingredients.


without using artificial chemicals

không sử dụng hóa chất nhân tạo

  • organically grown fruit

    trái cây trồng hữu cơ

in a way that is produced or caused by or from living things

theo cách được tạo ra hoặc gây ra bởi hoặc từ các sinh vật sống

  • The cardboard disintegrates organically.

    Các tông phân hủy theo cơ chế tự nhiên.

in a way that is connected with the organs of the body

theo cách liên quan đến các cơ quan trong cơ thể

  • Doctors could find nothing organically wrong with her.

    Các bác sĩ không tìm thấy bất kỳ vấn đề bất thường nào về mặt cơ thể ở cô.

in a way that consists of different parts that are all connected to each other

theo cách bao gồm các phần khác nhau được kết nối với nhau

  • These various organizations are organically linked.

    Những tổ chức khác nhau này có mối liên hệ hữu cơ với nhau.

in a slow and natural way, rather than suddenly

theo cách chậm rãi và tự nhiên, thay vì đột ngột

  • The organization should be allowed to develop organically.

    Tổ chức cần được phép phát triển một cách tự nhiên.