Definition of wholesome


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The word "wholesome" originated in the late 14th century and was initially used to describe food that was prepared and served without any impurities. Its etymology can be traced back to the Old Northern French word "whel" or "whal," which meant “entire, whole.” As the use of "wholesome" grew, it came to describe something that has a positive and beneficial effect on the body and mind. The term is synonymous with health, purity, and virtue, and it implies that a thing or an action has a positive and nurturing influence. In the 19th century, "wholesome" began to be used in a broader sense to describe any activity or substance that promoted well-being. This could include healthy food choices, physical exercise, and positive social interactions. Today, "wholesome" continues to be a widely used word in various contexts, such as nutrition, education, and entertainment. It is often associated with values reflecting concern for the overall health and welfare of individuals and communities. The continued popularity of this term can be attributed to its broad connotation and positive association, reflecting the enduring values of health, purity, and wholesomeness.


good for your health

tốt cho sức khỏe của bạn

  • fresh, wholesome food

    thực phẩm tươi ngon, bổ dưỡng

morally good; having a good moral influence

tốt về mặt đạo đức; có ảnh hưởng đạo đức tốt

  • It was clean wholesome fun.

    Đó là niềm vui lành mạnh và sạch sẽ.

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