Definition of opulently


xa hoa


The word "opulently" has its roots in the Latin language. The Latin word "opulentus" means "richly furnished" or "lavishly supplied." This Latin word is derived from "opus," which means "work" or "deed," and the suffix "-ulentus," which is a combining form indicating abundance. The word "opulently" entered the English language in the 15th century, borrowed from Middle French "opulent," which was itself borrowed from Latin "opulentus." Initially, the word referred to something that was richly provided or lavishly decorated. Over time, the meaning has expanded to encompass a sense of abundance, luxury, or extravagance in various contexts, including architecture, art, and even language itself. Today, "opulently" is often used to describe something that is grand, sumptuous, or lavish, conveying a sense of elegance and refinement.


in a way that uses expensive materials

theo cách sử dụng vật liệu đắt tiền

  • opulently decorated rooms

    phòng được trang trí xa hoa

in an extremely rich and comfortable way

một cách cực kỳ phong phú và thoải mái

  • He was prosperous and lived opulently.

    Ông rất thịnh vượng và sống xa hoa.