Definition of opacity


độ mờ đục


The word "opacity" comes from the Latin word "opacitas," which means "density" or "thickness." In ancient times, thick and dense substances were believed to be opaque, meaning they did not allow light to pass through them. As science and technology advanced, the meaning of the word "opacity" evolved to refer specifically to the property of a substance that prevents or minimizes the transmission of light. This term is essential in the fields of physics, chemistry, and materials science, where understanding the opacity of different materials is critical in various applications, such as in the development of opaque coatings, radiographic imaging, and personal protective equipment. Today, the word "opacity" is defined in dictionaries as the quality of being untransparent or impervious to light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is a useful property in industries like glass manufacturing, where high-opacity glass is utilized for privacy, decorative purposes, or radiation shielding. Therefore, the origin of the term "opacity" highlights the evolution of scientific terminology and its practical uses in modern technology and fields of study.


the fact of being difficult to see through; the fact of being opaque

thực tế là khó nhìn thấu; sự thật là không rõ ràng

  • sheets of frosted glass with varying degrees of opacity

    tấm kính mờ với độ mờ khác nhau

the fact of being difficult to understand; the fact of being opaque

thực tế là khó hiểu; sự thật là không rõ ràng

  • the opacity of the poet’s language

    sự mờ mịt của ngôn ngữ nhà thơ

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