Definition of ontology


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The word "ontology" originates from the Greek words "ontos" (being) and "logos" (study or science). The term was first used in the 17th century by the German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to describe the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of existence, being, and reality. During the 19th century, the term gained popularity, particularly in the context of German Idealism and the development of metaphysics. The word "ontology" refers to the study of the fundamental nature of reality, including the existence, properties, and relationships of entities and their underlying structures. It encompasses questions about what exists, what exists independently of other things, and what is the nature of reality in general. Today, ontology is used in various fields, including philosophy, computer science, and engineering, to describe the study of the nature of existence and reality.


a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of existence

một nhánh của triết học liên quan đến bản chất của sự tồn tại

a list of concepts and categories in a subject area that shows the relationships between them

danh sách các khái niệm và danh mục trong một lĩnh vực chủ đề cho thấy mối quan hệ giữa chúng

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