Definition of nervousness


lo lắng


The word "nervousness" stems from the Latin word "nervus," meaning "nerve." In ancient times, nerves were believed to be the channels through which bodily fluids, like "animal spirits," flowed. These spirits were thought to be responsible for movement, sensation, and thought. When people experienced physical or emotional distress, it was attributed to a disruption in the flow of these spirits, causing "nervousness" or agitation. The term evolved over time, eventually becoming synonymous with the anxious or uneasy feelings we experience today.


the feeling of being anxious about something or afraid of something

cảm giác lo lắng về điều gì đó hoặc sợ hãi điều gì đó

  • He tried to hide his nervousness.

    Anh cố giấu đi sự lo lắng của mình.

the fact of tending to get worried or frightened easily

thực tế là có xu hướng dễ lo lắng hoặc sợ hãi

  • His inexperience and general nervousness make him unsuitable for the top job.

    Sự thiếu kinh nghiệm và sự lo lắng nói chung khiến anh ấy không phù hợp với công việc hàng đầu.

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