Definition of nationalism


chủ nghĩa dân tộc


The word "nationalism" has its roots in the late 18th century, particularly in the context of the French Revolution. The term is derived from the Latin "natio," meaning "birth" or "origin," and the suffix "-ism," indicating a doctrine or system. The concept of nationalism initially referred to the idea of a national identity, language, and culture as the defining characteristics of a people. The term gained popularity in the early 19th century, particularly during the Unification of Germany and Italy, as scholars and politicians sought to define and promote their respective national identities. In the mid-19th century, the term took on a more political connotation, emphasizing the idea of a nation-state as the supreme authority and the rights of a nation to self-determination. Over time, nationalism has evolved and taken on various forms, including liberal, conservative, and authoritarian strains. Today, nationalism remains a complex and contested concept, reflecting diverse political, cultural, and economic interests.


the desire by a group of people who share the same ethnic group, culture, language, etc. to form an independent country

mong muốn của một nhóm người cùng chung dân tộc, văn hóa, ngôn ngữ, v.v. thành lập một quốc gia độc lập

  • Scottish nationalism

    chủ nghĩa dân tộc Scotland

Extra examples:
  • a 19th-century resurgence of Finnish nationalism

    sự trỗi dậy của chủ nghĩa dân tộc Phần Lan vào thế kỷ 19

  • a tide of militant nationalism

    một làn sóng chủ nghĩa dân tộc hiếu chiến

a feeling of loving your country very much and being very proud of it; a feeling that your country is better than any other

cảm giác yêu đất nước của bạn rất nhiều và rất tự hào về nó; cảm giác rằng đất nước của bạn tốt hơn bất kỳ đất nước nào khác

  • The war was fuelled by aggressive nationalism and feelings of cultural superiority.

    Cuộc chiến được thúc đẩy bởi chủ nghĩa dân tộc hung hăng và cảm giác vượt trội về văn hóa.