Definition of nastily


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The suffix "-ly" is used to form an adverb, indicating a manner or way in which something is done. So, "nastily" essentially means in a nauseous or disgusting manner. In the past, the word was often used to describe something that was not just unpleasant, but also very disagreeable or disgusting. The word has been used in literature and everyday language to describe a wide range of unpleasant situations, from a nasty smell to a nasty behavior. Over time, the meaning of "nastily" has evolved to also include a sense of rudeness or unpleasantness, making it a versatile and useful word in our vocabulary.


in an unkind, unpleasant or offensive way

theo cách không tử tế, khó chịu hoặc xúc phạm

  • ‘I hate you,’ she said nastily.

    "Tôi ghét anh," cô nói một cách khó chịu.

Related words and phrases

in a very bad, unpleasant or dangerous way

một cách rất xấu, khó chịu hoặc nguy hiểm

  • His ankle was nastily twisted.

    Mắt cá chân của anh ấy bị trẹo nghiêm trọng.