Definition of putrid



The origin of the word "putrid" can be traced back to the Latin word "putridus," which translates to "rotten" or "decayed." The Latin word was derived from the verb "puereō," which means "to be corrupt" or "to decay." The term was used in medical contexts to describe festering sores, wounds that did not heal, and other types of infected tissue. In English, the word "putrid" was first recorded in the 14th century, and it retained its medical connotation. Today, "putrid" is typically used to describe odorous, decaying matter or substances, but it can also be used to describe individuals or situations that are corrupt, rotten, or repulsive.


decaying and therefore smelling very bad

đang phân hủy và do đó có mùi rất khó chịu

  • the putrid smell of rotten meat

    mùi thối của thịt thối

Related words and phrases

very unpleasant

rất khó chịu

  • a putrid pink colour

    một màu hồng thối rữa

  • I pulled back from the stench of his putrid breath.

    Tôi lùi lại vì hơi thở hôi thối của anh ta.