Definition of moan


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The word "moan" comes from the Middle English word "mowan" which in turn comes from the Old English word "mōgān" meaning "to complain" or "to grumble." In Old English, the word "mōgān" referred to an action of complaining or grumbling. In Middle English, the word "mowan" was used to refer to an action of complaining or grumbling, following the Old English usage. The word "moan" was derived from the Middle English word "mowan" and ultimately from the Old English word "mōgān." Over time, the meaning of "moan" evolved to include any action or sound of complaining or grumbling, particularly in the context of emotional or communicative matters. It came to describe any action or sound of complaining or grumbling in a specific context or situation, particularly in the context of emotional or communicative matters. Today, "moan" is still used to describe any action or sound of complaining or grumbling, particularly in the context of emotional or communicative matters. In summary, the word "moan" originated in Old English from the word "mōgān," which means "to complain" or "to grumble." Its original meaning referred to an action of complaining or grumbling, but its meaning evolved to include any action or sound of complaining or grumbling, particularly in the context of emotional or communicative matters.


to make a long deep sound, usually because you are unhappy or suffering or are experiencing sexual pleasure

tạo ra một âm thanh trầm và dài, thường là do bạn không vui, đang đau khổ hoặc đang trải qua khoái cảm tình dục

  • The injured man was lying on the ground, moaning.

    Người bị thương nằm trên mặt đất, rên rỉ.

  • to moan in/with pain

    rên rỉ trong/với nỗi đau

  • ‘I might never see you again,’ she moaned.

    “Có thể tôi sẽ không bao giờ gặp lại anh nữa,” cô rên rỉ.

Extra examples:
  • He moaned in despair.

    Anh rên rỉ trong tuyệt vọng.

  • She was still conscious and was moaning loudly with pain.

    Cô ấy vẫn còn tỉnh táo và đang rên rỉ vì đau đớn.

  • He moaned with sheer pleasure.

    Anh rên rỉ với niềm vui tột độ.

  • Most of the patients were moaning in pain.

    Hầu hết bệnh nhân đều rên rỉ vì đau đớn.

Related words and phrases

to complain about something in a way that other people find annoying

phàn nàn về điều gì đó theo cách mà người khác thấy khó chịu

  • What are you moaning on about now?

    Bây giờ bạn đang rên rỉ về điều gì?

  • They're always moaning and groaning about how much they have to do.

    Họ luôn rên rỉ và rên rỉ về việc họ phải làm bao nhiêu việc.

  • Bella moaned that her feet were cold.

    Bella rên rỉ vì chân cô lạnh.

Extra examples:
  • My parents moan at me if I'm home late.

    Bố mẹ tôi sẽ mắng tôi nếu tôi về nhà muộn.

  • She's always moaning to me that she doesn't have enough money.

    Cô ấy luôn than phiền với tôi rằng cô ấy không có đủ tiền.

  • The children climbed into the bus, moaning and groaning.

    Bọn trẻ leo lên xe, rên rỉ và rên rỉ.

  • They kept moaning on about their illnesses.

    Họ cứ than vãn về bệnh tật của mình.

Related words and phrases

to make a long deep sound

để tạo ra một âm thanh sâu và dài

  • The wind was moaning through the trees.

    Gió đang rên rỉ qua những hàng cây.

  • The wind moaned gently through the trees.

    Gió khẽ rên rỉ qua tán cây.