Definition of groan


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The origin of the word "groan" dates back to Old English, specifically to the Anglo-Saxon phrase "grānan," meaning "to complain or whine loudly." The word's earliest recorded usage can be found in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle from the 10th century, where it is spelled as "grǣnan." From its Old English roots, "groan" has evolved through Middle English and Early Modern English, with its pronunciation and spelling changing over time. In Middle English, it was spelled "grounen," and in Early Modern English, it was often spelled "growan" or "growne." The word "groan" is widely used in modern English to describe a deep, throaty sound that expresses pain, discomfort, or distress. It's typically associated with physical suffering or exertion, such as the sound made by someone lifting a heavy object. However, it can also be used to describe emotional or psychological pain, such as the groan of someone facing a challenging situation. Interestingly, in some dialects of English, "groan" is still pronounced with an o instead of an ow, as in the expression "groan closet," which is the term for a storage space that's overstuffed or difficult to access. It's a quirky remnant of the word's evolution over centuries. In conclusion, the word "groan" has a rich history, stemming from its Old English roots, and has remained a staple of the English language for over a thousand years. Its usage and pronunciation have evolved over time, but its meaning has remained consistent: to express pain, discomfort, or distress through a deep, throaty sound.


to make a long deep sound because you are annoyed, upset or in pain, or with pleasure

tạo ra một âm thanh trầm dài vì bạn khó chịu, khó chịu, đau đớn hoặc vui sướng

  • He lay on the floor groaning.

    Anh nằm trên sàn rên rỉ.

  • to groan with pain/pleasure

    rên rỉ vì đau đớn/vui sướng

  • We all groaned at his terrible jokes.

    Tất cả chúng tôi đều rên rỉ trước những trò đùa khủng khiếp của anh ấy.

  • ‘It's a complete mess!’ she groaned.

    ‘Đó hoàn toàn là một mớ hỗn độn!’ cô rên rỉ.

  • ‘Don’t move me,’ he groaned.

    “Đừng di chuyển tôi,” anh rên rỉ.

Extra examples:
  • He groaned at the pain.

    Anh rên rỉ vì đau đớn.

  • Some of the patients were groaning with pain.

    Một số bệnh nhân rên rỉ vì đau đớn.

  • He groaned inwardly at the thought of spending another day in that place.

    Anh rên rỉ trong lòng khi nghĩ đến việc phải dành thêm một ngày nữa ở nơi đó.

  • She groaned out loud in protest.

    Cô rên rỉ lớn tiếng để phản đối.

  • There's no point in moaning and groaning about not having any money.

    Chẳng ích gì khi than vãn và rên rỉ về việc không có tiền.

  • She tried to get up and groaned with pain.

    Cô cố gắng đứng dậy và rên rỉ vì đau đớn.

Related words and phrases

to complain about something, especially in an annoying way

phàn nàn về điều gì đó, đặc biệt là một cách khó chịu

  • They were all moaning and groaning about the amount of work they had.

    Tất cả họ đều rên rỉ và rên rỉ về khối lượng công việc họ phải làm.

  • ‘It's not fair!’ she groaned.

    ‘Thật không công bằng!’ cô rên rỉ.

Related words and phrases

to make a sound like a person groaning

để tạo ra âm thanh giống như một người đang rên rỉ

  • The trees creaked and groaned in the wind.

    Cây cối kêu cọt kẹt và rên rỉ trong gió.

Related words and phrases

Related words and phrases


groan under the weight of something
(formal)used to say that there is too much of something
  • The table groaned under the weight of the biggest buffet they had ever seen.