Definition of mill


cối xay


The word "mill" has a rich history dating back to Old English. It originated from the Proto-Germanic word "miliz," which was derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "mel-," meaning "to grind." This root is also seen in the Greek word "molos," meaning "fine flour." In Old English, the word "mill" referred to a device used for grinding or crushing grains, such as wheat or barley. The term was also used to describe the act of grinding or milling, as well as the structure itself. Over time, the meaning of the word "mill" expanded to include other types of machinery, such as sawmills, gristmills, and textile mills, which processed wood, grains, and fibers. Today, the word "mill" is used to describe a wide range of industrial and commercial facilities that perform various manufacturing and processing tasks.


a building fitted with equipment for grinding grain into flour; a machine for grinding grain

nhà có trang bị thiết bị nghiền hạt thành bột; một máy nghiền hạt

  • The old mill has been converted into apartments.

    Nhà máy cũ đã được chuyển đổi thành căn hộ.

  • The mill can be seen grinding wheat.

    Có thể thấy cối xay đang xay lúa mì.

  • The river was harnessed to drive many mills.

    Con sông đã được khai thác để vận hành nhiều nhà máy.

Related words and phrases

a factory that produces a particular type of material

một nhà máy sản xuất một loại vật liệu cụ thể

  • a cotton/cloth/steel/paper mill

    một nhà máy sản xuất bông/vải/thép/giấy

  • mill owners/workers

    chủ nhà máy/công nhân

  • a textile/woollen mill

    một nhà máy dệt/len

  • a northern mill town

    một thị trấn nhà máy phía bắc

a small machine for grinding a solid substance into powder

một máy nhỏ để nghiền một chất rắn thành bột

  • a pepper mill

    một nhà máy hạt tiêu

Related words and phrases


go through the mill | put somebody through the mill
to have or make somebody have a difficult time
  • They really put me through the mill in my interview.
  • (all) grist to the/somebody’s mill
    something that is useful to somebody for a particular purpose
  • Political sex scandals are all grist to the mill of the tabloid newspapers.