Definition of mannequin


ma nơ canh


The word "mannequin" originated in the mid-18th century from the French word "mannequin," which means "little man" or "little tailor." This term was coined to refer to tailors' dummies, made of wood or cloth, that were used to showcase clothes and help tailors measure and customize garments for their clients. These dummies were modeled after average-sized men to help tailors create clothes that fit well and flattered the human form. The use of mannequins in displaying clothes became popular in the 19th century with the rise of department stores, leading to the modern-day use of mannequins in fashion, advertising, and interior design.


a model of a human body, used for displaying clothes in shops

mô hình cơ thể người, dùng để trưng bày quần áo trong cửa hàng

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a person whose job is to wear and display new styles of clothes

một người có công việc là mặc và trưng bày những kiểu quần áo mới

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