Definition of malicious


độc hại


The word "malicious" originated from the Latin adjective "maliciousus," which means "ill-willed" or "having a bad intent." The Latin root "mal" (meaning "bad" or "evil") and "licius" (meaning "easy" or "prone to") join to form "maliciousus." The first recorded use of the word in the English language was in the late 14th century. It originally referred to someone who was willingly and intentionally malevolent or mischievous. Over time, the meaning has evolved slightly, and today "malicious" generally refers to someone who deliberately causes harm or damage, often through deceitful or underhanded means. In legal contexts, "malicious" is sometimes used as a synonym for "malicious prosecution," which describes a situation where someone initiates or continues a legal action without any reasonable basis or justification. This type of behavior is seen as malicious because it abuses the legal process for personal gain or spite, and can result in sanctions or other penalties on the offender.


having or showing a desire to harm somebody or hurt their feelings, caused by a feeling of hate

có hoặc thể hiện mong muốn làm hại ai đó hoặc làm tổn thương cảm xúc của họ, gây ra bởi cảm giác ghét

  • malicious gossip/lies/rumours

    tin đồn/lời nói dối/tin đồn ác ý

  • He took malicious pleasure in telling me what she had said.

    Anh ta lấy làm vui vẻ một cách độc ác khi kể cho tôi nghe những gì cô ấy đã nói.

Extra examples:
  • Has someone been spreading malicious gossip?

    Có ai đó đã lan truyền tin đồn ác ý?

  • There is no truth whatsoever to the malicious rumours.

    Không có sự thật nào đối với những tin đồn ác ý.

  • His observations were funny without being malicious.

    Những quan sát của anh ấy rất hài hước mà không hề ác ý.

Related words and phrases

intended to damage somebody's computer or data files

có ý định làm hỏng máy tính hoặc tập tin dữ liệu của ai đó

  • These are nasty pieces of malicious code such as viruses, Trojan horses and worms.

    Đây là những đoạn mã độc khó chịu như virus, ngựa Trojan và sâu.

  • malicious software/applications

    phần mềm/ứng dụng độc hại