Definition of luxuriantly


xa xỉ


"Luxuriantly" stems from the Latin word "luxuria," meaning "excess, abundance, or extravagance." The word evolved through Old French "luxure" and Middle English "luxurie" to its current form. It originally referred to excessive indulgence and pleasure, but its meaning expanded to encompass a sense of abundance and richness, often associated with natural growth and beauty. Therefore, "luxuriantly" describes something that is plentiful, lush, and overflowing, evoking a sense of opulence and abundance.


in a way that is thick and attractive

một cách dày đặc và hấp dẫn

  • a tall, luxuriantly bearded man

    một người đàn ông cao lớn và có bộ râu rậm rạp

in a way that is comfortable and gives pleasure

một cách thoải mái và mang lại niềm vui

  • She turned luxuriantly on her side, yawning.

    Cô xoay người sang một bên, ngáp dài.