Definition of abundantly


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"Abundantly" traces its roots back to the Latin word "abundare," meaning "to overflow." This word was formed from the prefix "ab" (meaning "away, off") and the verb "undare" (meaning "to wave, surge, flow"). Over time, "abundare" entered Old French as "abonder," and from there, it was adopted into English as "abundant." The suffix "-ly" was added to create the adverb "abundantly," meaning "in a plentiful or overflowing manner."


very clear

rất rõ ràng

  • She made her wishes abundantly clear.

    Cô ấy đã thể hiện mong muốn của mình rất rõ ràng.

in large quantities

với số lượng lớn

  • Calcium is found most abundantly in milk.

    Canxi được tìm thấy nhiều nhất trong sữa.