Definition of kicker


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The word "kicker" has a fascinating origin. In the early 17th century, a "kicker" referred to a type of horse that was known for its kicking habit, particularly when frightened or disturbed. Over time, the term evolved to describe a person or thing that had a tendency to kick or cause a sudden upset. In the late 19th century, the term gained popularity in sports, particularly in athletics, where a "kicker" referred to a player who specialized in kicking the ball, such as a placekicker in American football. The term also extended to other fields, like music, where a "kicker" was a percussion instrument that produced a sharp, crisp sound. Today, the word "kicker" has taken on multiple meanings, including describing a bonus or an additional feature, as in a "kicker clause" in a contract. Despite its origins in horses and sports, the word "kicker" has become a versatile term with a wide range of applications.


a person who kicks, especially the player in a sports team who kicks the ball to try to score points, for example in rugby

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