Definition of involuntarily


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The word "involuntarily" has its roots in Latin. It comes from the phrase "involuntarius," which is a combination of "in" (not) and "voluntarius" (voluntary). In Latin, "involuntarius" was used to describe something that happened against one's will or without one's intention. This phrase was later borrowed into Middle English as "involuntarie," and eventually evolved into the modern English word "involuntarily." The word "involuntarily" has been used in English since at least the 15th century, and its meaning has remained largely unchanged. Today, it is used to describe actions or events that are not intentional or deliberate, but rather occur due to external circumstances or against one's own desires.


suddenly, without you intending it or being able to control it

đột nhiên, không có ý định hoặc khả năng kiểm soát của bạn

  • She shuddered involuntarily.

    Cô bất giác rùng mình.

without the person involved wanting it to happen

mà không có người liên quan muốn điều đó xảy ra

  • He was involuntarily committed for psychiatric treatment

    Anh ta đã bị ép buộc phải điều trị tâm thần

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