Definition of voluntarily


tự nguyện


"Voluntarily" comes from the Latin word "voluntas," meaning "will" or "desire." It was first used in English in the 14th century as "voluntary," meaning "done by choice or free will." The "-ly" suffix was added later to create the adverb "voluntarily," indicating that something is done willingly and without compulsion.


willingly; without being forced

sẵn lòng; không bị ép buộc

  • He was not asked to leave—he went voluntarily.

    Anh ấy không được yêu cầu rời đi - anh ấy tự nguyện đi.

without payment; free

mà không cần thanh toán; miễn phí

  • The fund is voluntarily administered.

    Quỹ này được quản lý một cách tự nguyện.