Definition of interject


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The word "interject" originates from the Latin words "inter" meaning "between" and "iacere" meaning "to throw". In the 15th century, the term "interject" was introduced to English from Latin, initially meaning "to throw or insert something between others" or "to thrust in". Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to specifically refer to the act of inserting a remark or comment into a conversation, often unexpectedly or abruptly. In modern usage, "interject" is often used to describe inserting a statement or question into a dialogue or conversation, often to express a opposing view, clarify something, or seek additional information. The word has maintained its Latin root, with the prefix "inter-" indicating insertion or insertion of something between others.

  • During the meeting, John suddenly interjected, "I have an idea that might solve the problem."

    Trong cuộc họp, John đột nhiên xen vào, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • As she was giving a presentation, Sarah's boss interjected, "Let's take a break and discuss this further."

    Khi cô ấy đang thuyết trình, ông chủ của Sarah đã xen vào, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • In the middle of their conversation, Tom interjected, "Have you seen the news today?"

    Giữa cuộc trò chuyện của họ, Tom xen vào, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • The speaker's aunt interjected, "I'm so proud of you, dear!"

    Cô của người nói xen vào, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • The CEO interjected, "Before we move on, let me clarify something."

    Tổng giám đốc điều hành xen vào, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • The student interjected, "Excuse me, but I don't think that's what the text says."

    Học sinh xen vào, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • Amidst the argument, Jane's brother interjected, "Can we please not fight in front of the kids?"

    Giữa cuộc tranh cãi, anh trai của Jane xen vào, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • The announcer interjected, "Ladies and gentlemen, please give a round of applause to our guest speaker."

    Người dẫn chương trình xen vào, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • In the midst of their conversation, Julia's friend interjected, "Hey, have you heard the latest gossip?"

    Giữa cuộc trò chuyện của họ, người bạn của Julia xen vào, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • The father interjected, "This conversation is becoming too serious for the kids. Let's lighten the mood a bit."

    Người cha xen vào, __TRÍCH DẪN__