Definition of insulate


cách điện


The word "insulate" is derived from the Latin word "insulare," which means "to make soundless" or "to make deaf." In the 17th century, the term was used in reference to religious withdrawals from society, where individuals would remove themselves from worldly distractions and noise to focus on meditation and prayer. Over time, the meaning of "insulate" began to shift to describe the act of placing materials, such as wool or cork, between spaces or objects to reduce the transfer of heat, sound, or electricity. This use of the word can be traced back to the mid-19th century, when the concept of thermal insulation became more widely known following advancements in scientific research and technology. Today, "insulate" is commonly associated with the installation of materials in buildings and other structures to preserve warmth, prevent noise, or inhibit the spread of electricity. It is also used as a verb to describe the process of making something less likely to affect or be affected by outside forces, such as when insulating electronic devices or medical equipment from electromagnetic interference. In summary, the word "insulate" evolved from its origins as a descriptor for religious seclusion into a term used to describe the placement of materials between objects to reduce the transfer of various forms of energy or sound.


to protect something with a material that prevents heat, sound, electricity, etc. from passing through

để bảo vệ một cái gì đó với một vật liệu ngăn chặn nhiệt, âm thanh, điện, vv đi qua

  • Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy.

    Chủ sở hữu nhà đang được khuyến khích cách nhiệt ngôi nhà của họ để tiết kiệm năng lượng.

to protect somebody/something from unpleasant experiences or influences

bảo vệ ai/cái gì khỏi những trải nghiệm hoặc ảnh hưởng khó chịu

  • Until now the industry has been insulated from economic realities.

    Cho đến nay ngành này vẫn được cách ly khỏi thực tế kinh tế.

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