Definition of inspector


Thanh tra


The term "inspector" can be traced back to the Middle English word "inspectour," which in turn originated from the Latin "inspector," meaning "one who looks into" or "examiner." The word "inspect" itself comes from the Latin "inspectus," also meaning "examined" or "viewed." During the Middle Ages, "inspector" referred to someone who was responsible for monitoring and reporting on the affairs of a particular establishment, such as a monastery or a wealthy merchant's household. By the 16th century, the term was being used more specifically in relation to governing bodies, such as universities and local councils, as someone who was tasked with ensuring that the institutions were being run efficiently and effectively. In the industrial era, the role of the inspector took on a new significance, particularly in the context of workplace safety and quality control. Workplace inspectors were employed in factories and other manufacturing facilities to ensure that conditions were safe for workers, equipment was being used properly, and products were being produced to the required standards. This led to the development of industries such as inspecting and testing, which are still significant today in fields such as food safety, environmental protection, and quality assurance. In short, the word "inspector" has its roots in the Latin word "inspector" and has evolved over the centuries to describe various roles involving observation, examination, and monitoring. Its continued use in modern industry and governance reflects the enduring importance of ensuring that systems, institutions, and products meet the required standards of safety, efficiency, and effectiveness.


an officer of middle rank in the police force

một sĩ quan cấp trung trong lực lượng cảnh sát

  • Inspector Maggie Forbes

    Thanh tra Maggie Forbes

  • He reached the rank of inspector.

    Ông đạt đến cấp bậc thanh tra.

Related words and phrases

a person whose job is to visit schools, factories, etc. to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable

người có công việc đến thăm trường học, nhà máy, v.v. để kiểm tra xem các quy tắc có được tuân thủ và các tiêu chuẩn đó có được chấp nhận hay không

  • a school/health/safety inspector

    thanh tra trường học/sức khỏe/an toàn

Extra examples:
  • An inspector was sent to the scene of the incident.

    Một thanh tra đã được cử tới hiện trường vụ việc.

  • He agreed to allow weapons inspectors in his country.

    Ông đồng ý cho phép thanh tra vũ khí ở đất nước mình.

  • Independent inspectors were called in.

    Các thanh tra độc lập đã được triệu tập.

  • The school inspectors were called in.

    Thanh tra trường học đã được gọi đến.

  • UN weapons inspectors

    Thanh tra vũ khí của Liên hợp quốc

  • an inspector of prisons

    thanh tra nhà tù

  • the inspector in charge of producing the report

    thanh tra phụ trách lập báo cáo

  • The health and safety inspector wrote a worrying report on the building.

    Thanh tra sức khỏe và an toàn đã viết một báo cáo đáng lo ngại về tòa nhà.

(in the UK) a person whose job is to check tickets on a bus or train

(ở Anh) người có công việc kiểm tra vé trên xe buýt hoặc xe lửa