Definition of insertion




The word "insertion" derives from the Latin verb "inserere," which means "to place or put in." This verb was formed by combining the prefix "in-," which indicates movement towards or into something, and the verb "serere," meaning "to fasten or secure." In medieval Latin, "insertio" referred to the act of inserting a text, such as a sermon or speech, into another text, often as an explanation or supplement. This use of the word can be seen in medieval manuscripts, where the physical insertion of a piece of paper or parchment into a кни (book) was a common method of adding additional text. Over time, the meaning of "insertion" shifted to include other forms of adding something into a text or object, such as inserting a line of stitching or weaving a thread into a garment. Today, the word "insertion" is widely used in various fields, such as computer science (referring to the act of placing data into a computer memory or storage device) and genetics (referring to the insertion of a foreign DNA sequence into a host genetic material).


the act of putting something inside something else; a thing that is put inside something else

hành động đặt cái gì đó vào trong cái gì khác; một thứ được đặt bên trong một cái gì đó khác

  • An examination is carried out before the insertion of the tube.

    Việc kiểm tra được thực hiện trước khi đưa ống vào.

  • Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific points of the body.

    Châm cứu liên quan đến việc đưa kim vào các điểm cụ thể trên cơ thể.

a thing that is added to a book, piece of writing, etc.; the act of adding something

một thứ được thêm vào một cuốn sách, một đoạn văn bản, v.v.; hành động thêm một cái gì đó

  • the insertion of an extra paragraph

    việc chèn thêm một đoạn văn