Definition of inhibition


ức chế


The word "inhibition" originated from the Latin word "inhibere," which literally translates to "hold in" or "prevent from going forward." The term was introduced into the English language during the 17th century, initially used to denote the act of restraining oneself from engaging in certain actions. In the field of biology, the concept of inhibition first appeared in the 19th century when scientists began to understand the ways in which organisms regulate their physiological processes. The phenomenon of chemical inhibition, where substances prevent enzymes from catalyzing biochemical reactions, was recognized by researchers like Wilhelm Pfeffer and Adolf von Baeyer in the late 1800s. In psychology, the term "inhibition" took on a different meaning. Sigmund Freud introduced the notion of psychic inhibition in his theories, claiming that unconscious conflicts could prevent individuals from expressing themselves openly. In the 1920s and 30s, the term became popular in behavioral psychology, where it referred to the dampening of impulsive or automatic behaviors in the presence of stimuli that pose potential risks. Today, inhibition is a widely recognized concept in various fields, from neuroscience and pharmacology to psychology and economics. It continues to fascinate researchers and clinicians alike as they seek to better understand the mechanisms and functions of inhibitory processes in the human mind and body.


a shy or nervous feeling that stops you from expressing your real thoughts or feelings

một cảm giác ngại ngùng hoặc lo lắng khiến bạn không thể bày tỏ suy nghĩ hoặc cảm xúc thực sự của mình

  • The children were shy at first, but soon lost their inhibitions.

    Bọn trẻ lúc đầu còn ngại ngùng nhưng sau đó đã mất đi sự ức chế.

  • She had no inhibitions about making her opinions known.

    Cô không hề ngại ngùng khi bày tỏ quan điểm của mình.

Extra examples:
  • They had no inhibitions about voicing their feelings.

    Họ không có sự ức chế nào trong việc bày tỏ cảm xúc của mình.

  • Young children will participate in a drama class without inhibition.

    Trẻ nhỏ sẽ tham gia lớp học kịch mà không bị ức chế.

  • an inhibition against certain behaviour

    sự ức chế chống lại hành vi nhất định

the act of limiting or preventing a process or an action

hành động hạn chế hoặc ngăn chặn một quá trình hoặc một hành động

  • the inhibition of growth

    sự ức chế tăng trưởng