Definition of inflection


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The word "inflection" originally came from the Latin term "inflexio," which means "a bending" or "a flexing." In linguistics, inflection refers to the grammatical process by which the form of a word is altered to indicate changes in grammatical category, such as tense, number, or person. This process differs from derivation, another important aspect of morphology. Derivation refers to the addition of prefixes, suffixes, or other affixes to the base word to form new words with different meanings. In contrast, inflection is the internal modification of a word's stem, or oscillation within the morphemes that create a word's meaning. Some languages, like English, have relatively few inflections (such as the addition of "-s" or "-es" to indicate plural nouns), while others have more complex inflectional systems. Languages like Latin, Russian, and Hungarian have sophisticated inflectional paradigms, where a single word can have many inflected forms for different grammatical cases, tenses, and moods. Inflection is a key component of a language's morphology, as it provides another layer of information that helps clarify relations between words in a sentence and their grammatical dependencies. It is also tightly connected to syntax, which deals with the arrangement of words into meaningful sentences. While derivation and inflection share similarities, they serve different functions in shaping the vocabulary, complexity, and expressive power of language.


a change in the form of a word, especially the ending, according to its grammatical function in a sentence

sự thay đổi về hình thức của một từ, đặc biệt là phần kết thúc, theo chức năng ngữ pháp của nó trong câu

a change in how high or low your voice is as you are speaking

sự thay đổi về mức độ cao hay thấp của giọng nói khi bạn đang nói

  • She spoke slowly and without inflection.

    Cô ấy nói chậm rãi và không có ngữ điệu.