Definition of intonation


âm điệu


The word "intonation" originated from the Latin word "intonare," which means "to sing in a low voice." In music, intonation refers to the accuracy with which a musician plays or sings a specific pitch, essentially the ability to hit the right note. However, in linguistics, intonation takes on a different meaning. In speech, intonation refers to the patterns of pitch, stress, and tone that speakers use to communicate meaning. While some scholars argue that intonation helps convey grammatical information, such as the difference between statements and questions, others claim that it primarily serves a communicative function, conveying meaning through emphasis, tone of voice, and inflection. The study of intonation, or the way speech patterns vary across languages and dialects, is an important field in linguistics, as it helps us understand how speakers communicate in different cultural contexts and how language change occur over time. For example, researchers have noted that speakers of some languages, such as English dialects that use "uptalk" (rising intonation at the end of a sentence), may be seen as less confident or assertive than those who do not use this feature. In summary, the origin of the term "intonation" can be traced back to the Latin root "intonare," which refers to the way musicians sing or play in a low voice, and now describes the patterns of pitch, stress, and tone that are essential components of spoken communication.


the rise and fall of the voice in speaking, especially as this affects the meaning of what is being said

sự lên xuống của giọng nói khi nói, đặc biệt vì điều này ảnh hưởng đến ý nghĩa của điều đang được nói

  • intonation patterns

    mẫu ngữ điệu

  • In English, some questions have a rising intonation.

    Trong tiếng Anh, một số câu hỏi có ngữ điệu lên cao.

  • Her voice was low with a faint regional intonation.

    Giọng cô ấy trầm với ngữ điệu vùng miền mờ nhạt.

  • the rising intonation at the end of spoken questions

    ngữ điệu lên cao ở cuối câu hỏi nói

  • She’s studying intonation patterns in children’s speech.

    Cô ấy đang nghiên cứu các mẫu ngữ điệu trong lời nói của trẻ em.

Related words and phrases

the quality of playing or singing exactly in tune

chất lượng chơi hoặc hát chính xác trong giai điệu

  • The violin’s intonation was poor.

    Ngữ điệu của đàn violin rất kém.