Definition of indivisible


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The word "indivisible" originates from the Latin phrase "indivisibilis," which is a combination of "in" (not) and "divisibilis" (divisible). In Latin, "divisibilis" means capable of being divided or parted, whereas "indivisibilis" means unable to be divided or not capable of being parted. The term "indivisible" was first used in English in the 15th century to describe something that cannot be divided or separated into its component parts. Over time, the word has taken on additional meanings, including being unable to be conquered or defeated, or being inherently and irreconcilably opposed to something else. One of the most famous uses of the word "indivisible" is in the United States Pledge of Allegiance, which states "one nation indivisible" to emphasize the unity and irreconcilable nature of the American people.


that cannot be divided into separate parts

không thể chia thành các phần riêng biệt

  • Atoms were originally thought to be indivisible.

    Ban đầu người ta cho rằng nguyên tử không thể phân chia được.

  • For him, music and lyrics are virtually indivisible.

    Với anh, âm nhạc và lời bài hát gần như không thể tách rời.

Related words and phrases

that cannot be divided by another number exactly

không thể chia hết cho một số khác một cách chính xác

  • Primes are indivisible by numbers other than one and themselves.

    Số nguyên tố không chia hết cho các số khác ngoài 1 và chính nó.