Definition of incubate



The word "incubate" originates from the Latin verb "incubare," which means "to lie upon" or "to brood over." In biology, the term was first used to describe the process of hatching eggs, where birds or other animals sit on their eggs to keep them warm and protect them from predators until they hatch. This behavior was referred to as "incubation." Over time, the term "incubate" took on a broader meaning, referring to the process of nurturing or fostering the growth of something, whether it's a living organism, an idea, or a project. In a business context, an incubator is a company or organization that provides resources and support to help new businesses or startups grow and develop. In medical contexts, incubation can refer to the process of allowing a virus or bacteria to grow or develop outside of a living host.


to sit on its eggs in order to keep them warm until they hatch

ngồi trên trứng để giữ ấm cho trứng cho đến khi trứng nở

to keep cells, bacteria, etc. at a suitable temperature so that they develop

để giữ cho tế bào, vi khuẩn, v.v. ở nhiệt độ thích hợp để chúng phát triển

  • The samples were incubated at 80°C for three minutes.

    Các mẫu được ủ ở 80°C trong ba phút.

to have a disease developing inside you before symptoms appear

có một căn bệnh phát triển bên trong bạn trước khi các triệu chứng xuất hiện

  • The source of infection may be a person who is incubating an infectious disease.

    Nguồn lây nhiễm có thể là người đang ủ bệnh truyền nhiễm.

to develop slowly without showing any signs

phát triển chậm mà không biểu hiện bất kỳ dấu hiệu nào