Definition of improperly


không đúng cách


The word "improperly" originated from the Old English word "unrīhtlice," meaning "unrightly." This word was formed by combining the prefix "un-" (meaning "not") with the adjective "rīht" (meaning "right"). Over time, "unrīhtlice" evolved into "improperly" through Middle English. The "im-" prefix replaced the "un-" prefix, which is common in English words borrowed from Latin. The meaning of "improperly" remains consistent with its Old English ancestor: "not in accordance with what is right, appropriate, or fitting."


in a way that is dishonest or morally wrong

theo cách không trung thực hoặc sai về mặt đạo đức

  • to behave improperly

    cư xử không đúng mực

Related words and phrases

in a way that is not right or appropriate for the situation

theo cách đó là không đúng hoặc thích hợp cho tình hình

  • He was improperly dressed for the occasion.

    Anh ấy đã ăn mặc không phù hợp cho dịp này.

Related words and phrases

in a way that is wrong and not correct

theo cách đó là sai và không đúng

  • improperly cooked meat

    thịt nấu không đúng cách