Definition of illumination


chiếu sáng


The word "illumination" originates from two Old French words, "illumin-" and "-ation," which come from the Latin "illuminare," meaning "to enlighten." This Latin word, in turn, is a composition of "lux," meaning "light," and "manus," meaning "hand" or "source." In ancient times, illuminated manuscripts were hand-painted and decorated with gold, silver, and other precious materials, making them rare and valuable works of art. Such manuscripts were illuminated, or enlightened, with intricate designs, images, and calligraphy, often using the technique of gold leaf. These manuscripts served as a source of intellectual and spiritual enlightenment, and their creation was a labor-intensive and time-consuming process that required masterful craftsmanship and artistic skill. Over time, the term "illumination" came to refer not just to the enlightenment and decoration of manuscripts but also to the process of enlightenment or spiritual understanding that comes from contemplation, meditation, study, or illumination experiences. Today, the concept of illumination is used in various contexts, including psychology, philosophy, and theology, as a metaphor for profound insight, understanding, and enlightenment.


light or a place that light comes from

ánh sáng hoặc một nơi mà ánh sáng đến từ

  • The only illumination in the room came from the fire.

    Ánh sáng duy nhất trong phòng đến từ ngọn lửa.

Extra examples:
  • Most of the illumination came from candles.

    Hầu hết ánh sáng đến từ nến.

  • The skylights are designed to optimize natural illumination.

    Giếng trời được thiết kế tối ưu hóa ánh sáng tự nhiên.

bright coloured lights used to decorate a town or building for a special occasion

đèn màu sáng dùng để trang trí thị trấn hoặc tòa nhà trong những dịp đặc biệt

  • Christmas illuminations

    ánh sáng Giáng sinh

a coloured decoration, usually painted by hand, in an old book

một vật trang trí màu, thường được vẽ bằng tay, trong một cuốn sách cũ

understanding or explanation of something

sự hiểu biết hoặc giải thích về một cái gì đó

  • spiritual illumination

    sự soi sáng tâm linh

  • In that flash of illumination, he realized where he had gone wrong.

    Trong ánh sáng lóe lên đó, anh nhận ra mình đã sai ở đâu.