Definition of ill




Definition of undefined

The word "ill" has a rich history. It comes from Old English "yl", which was derived from Proto-Germanic "*uliz", meaning "unwell" or "ill". This is thought to be related to Proto-Indo-European "*ol-", which carried a sense of "rotten" or "decaying". In Old English, "yl" was used to describe a person who was sick or unwell. Over time, the spelling evolved to "ill", and the word took on a wider range of meanings, including "not good" or "unfortunate". By the 14th century, "ill" had developed its modern usage, including describing physical or mental afflictions, as well as moral or financial weaknesses. Today, "ill" is a common adjective used to describe a range of unpleasant experiences, from physical illness to emotional distress. Despite its evolution, the word "ill" still retains a strong connection to its ancient roots in the Proto-Indo-European concept of "rottenness" or decay.


suffering from an illness or disease; not feeling well

bị đau ốm hoặc bệnh tật; cảm thấy không khỏe

  • Her father is seriously ill in St Luke's hospital.

    Cha cô bị bệnh nặng phải nằm viện St Luke.

  • critically/gravely/severely ill

    bị bệnh nặng/nghiêm trọng/nghiêm trọng

  • Uncle Harry is terminally ill with cancer (= he will die from his illness).

    Chú Harry bị bệnh ung thư giai đoạn cuối (= ông ấy sẽ chết vì bệnh tật).

  • chronically ill patients (= who are ill for a long time )

    bệnh nhân bị bệnh mãn tính (= người bị bệnh trong thời gian dài)

  • She was taken ill suddenly.

    Cô ấy bị ốm đột ngột.

  • We both started to feel ill shortly after the meal.

    Cả hai chúng tôi bắt đầu cảm thấy mệt ngay sau bữa ăn.

  • veterans who became ill after fighting in the Gulf War

    cựu chiến binh bị bệnh sau khi chiến đấu trong Chiến tranh vùng Vịnh

  • Shortly after drinking the water I was violently ill.

    Không lâu sau khi uống nước, tôi bị ốm nặng.

  • He fell ill and died soon after.

    Ông ngã bệnh và qua đời ngay sau đó.

  • I can't eat bananas as they make me ill.

    Tôi không thể ăn chuối vì chúng khiến tôi bị bệnh.

  • He'd been ill with cancer for months.

    Anh ấy đã bị bệnh ung thư trong nhiều tháng.

Extra examples:
  • He was lying ill in bed.

    Anh ấy đang ốm nằm trên giường.

  • They arrive at the hospital ill from malnutrition.

    Họ đến bệnh viện trong tình trạng bị suy dinh dưỡng.

  • Robyn was almost ill with excitement and outrage.

    Robyn gần như phát ốm vì phấn khích và phẫn nộ.

  • That type of government corruption makes me ill.

    Kiểu tham nhũng của chính phủ đó khiến tôi phát ốm.

bad or harmful

xấu hoặc có hại

  • She suffered no ill effects from the experience.

    Cô ấy không bị ảnh hưởng xấu từ trải nghiệm này.

  • a house of ill repute (= with a bad reputation, especially because behaviour that is not considered moral happens there)

    một ngôi nhà mang tiếng xấu (= mang tiếng xấu, đặc biệt là vì hành vi không được coi là đạo đức xảy ra ở đó)

Related words and phrases

that brings, or is thought to bring, bad luck

mang lại hoặc được cho là mang lại điều xui xẻo

  • a bird of ill omen

    một con chim điềm xấu


bad/ill feeling
anger between people, especially after an argument
  • There was a lot of bad feeling between the two groups of students.
  • I don't want any bad feelings between us.
  • ill at ease
    feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed
  • I felt ill at ease in such formal clothes.
  • ill/bad feeling
    anger between people, especially after an argument
  • There was a lot of ill feeling between the two groups of students.
  • I don't want any ill feelings between us.
  • it’s an ill wind (that blows nobody any good)
    (saying)no problem is so bad that it does not bring some advantage to somebody