Definition of iffy


không chắc chắn


The word "iffy" originated in the mid-19th century as an abbreviation of "if-y", which was an informal way of saying "if particulars are unknown" or "if the details are uncertain". This phrase was often used in the context of racing and betting, where the outcome of a event was unclear. For example, if a horse's healty was uncertain, the betting book would note it as "iffy". Over time, the term also took on connotations of uncertainty, ambiguity, or doubt, beyond its original racing context. Today, "iffy" is commonly used in everyday language to describe something that is uncertain, questionable, or open to interpretation. For example, "I'm not sure about going on that hike, is the weather iff?" or "I'm not iff about that new restaurant, have you heard anything about it?"


not in perfect condition; bad in some way

không ở trong tình trạng hoàn hảo; tệ ở một khía cạnh nào đó

  • That meat smells a bit iffy to me.

    Tôi thấy mùi thịt đó hơi lạ.

not certain

không chắc chắn

  • The weather looks slightly iffy.

    Thời tiết có vẻ hơi bất ổn.