Definition of horrid


kinh khủng


The word "horrid" has roots in Old English, specifically the word "hured." In Old English, "hured" was used to describe something that was "rough, irregular, or uneven." It could also refer to something that was "repulsive" or "frightening." The Old English word "hured" is thought to be derived from a Proto-Germanic root word, *hurradaz-, which meant "rough, or uneven." This root word can also be found in other Germanic languages such as German (hüllemännish "rough"), Dutch (roerig "rough"), and Danish (uglydent "rough-toothed." As "hured" began to be used in Middle English, its meaning evolved to include the ideas of "frightful" or "repulsive." The term "horrid" began to be used in the late Middle English period to describe something that was "terrible" or "frightening." The Modern English word "horrid" still retains this meaning today, with definitions that include "frightful" or "really awful or disgusting." However, it is somewhat less commonly used than other words with similar meanings, such as "terrible" or "awful." In summary, the word "horrid" has its roots in Old English, where it was used to convey the sense of something "rough" or "irregular," and it has evolved over time to describe something that is "frightful" or "repulsive" in nature.

  • The horror film was so horrid that I couldn't finish watching it.

    Bộ phim kinh dị này kinh dị đến nỗi tôi không thể xem hết được.

  • The smell from the trash can next to my desk was absolutely horrid.

    Mùi từ thùng rác cạnh bàn làm việc của tôi thực sự kinh khủng.

  • After trying the soup from the new restaurant, my friend swore the flavor was horrid.

    Sau khi thử món súp của nhà hàng mới, bạn tôi thề rằng hương vị của nó thật kinh khủng.

  • The sound of the screeching breaks on the train was horridly loud.

    Tiếng phanh rít của tàu hỏa thật là khủng khiếp.

  • The air quality in the polluted city was unusually horrid today.

    Chất lượng không khí ở thành phố ô nhiễm này hôm nay tệ hơn bình thường.

  • The taste of the expired milk my cousin kept offering was absolutely horrid.

    Mùi vị của sữa hết hạn mà anh họ tôi liên tục mang đến thực sự kinh khủng.

  • The noise emanating from the construction site outside my window was horridly annoying.

    Tiếng ồn phát ra từ công trường xây dựng bên ngoài cửa sổ phòng tôi thật khó chịu.

  • The mess that my toddler made on the floor was an absolute horror, and I couldn't stand the horrid sight.

    Cảnh tượng mà đứa con mới biết đi của tôi làm bừa bộn trên sàn nhà thật kinh hoàng, và tôi không thể chịu nổi cảnh tượng kinh hoàng đó.

  • The sight of the accident on the road left me feeling utterly horrid.

    Cảnh tượng tai nạn trên đường khiến tôi cảm thấy vô cùng kinh hoàng.

  • The prospect of staying late in the office for the umpteenth time this week filled me with sheer horror and a horrid sense of dread.

    Viễn cảnh phải ở lại văn phòng làm việc muộn lần thứ n trong tuần này khiến tôi vô cùng kinh hãi và lo lắng.