Definition of frightful


kinh hoàng


The word "frightful" originates from the Old English word "friehtan," meaning "to frighten" or "to alarm." The word "friehtan" itself likely derives from the Proto-Germanic word "frihitan," which also means "to frighten." Over time, the word "friehtan" evolved into "frighten," and the suffix "-ful" was added to create "frightful," indicating the quality of being frightening or causing fear. The word has been used in English since the 14th century and continues to be a common term for something that is terrifying or alarming.


used to emphasize how bad something is

được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh một cái gì đó xấu như thế nào

  • It was absolutely frightful!

    Nó thực sự khủng khiếp!

  • This room's in a frightful mess.

    Căn phòng này đang trong tình trạng lộn xộn khủng khiếp.

  • They’re making a frightful noise.

    Họ đang tạo ra một tiếng động khủng khiếp.

Related words and phrases

very serious or unpleasant

rất nghiêm trọng hoặc khó chịu

  • a frightful accident

    một tai nạn khủng khiếp

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