Definition of hitter


người đánh bóng


The origin of the word "hitter" in baseball is attributed to the early 20th century. During this time, a "hit" referred to when a batter successfully reached base without the assistance of an error or a passed ball. In the late 1800s, the term "hit" was used to describe a good swing or a solidly struck ball. Over time, the term "hitter" emerged to describe the player who consistently made contact with the ball, resulting in hits. The term gained widespread usage in the early 1900s as the game of baseball evolved and became more popular. By the mid-20th century, the term "hitter" had become an integral part of the game's lexicon, with players like Ted Williams and Mickey Mantle being referred to as elite hitters. Today, the term is used to describe a player's ability to reach base safely, with tracks like batting average and on-base percentage being used to measure a hitter's success.


a person who hits the ball in the way mentioned

một người đánh bóng theo cách đã đề cập

  • a big/long/hard hitter

    một người đánh bóng lớn/dài/mạnh

  • a left-handed/right-handed hitter

    một cầu thủ đánh bóng thuận tay trái/phải

a person who is powerful

một người có quyền lực

  • the heavy hitters of Japanese industry

    những người có ảnh hưởng lớn đến ngành công nghiệp Nhật Bản

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