Definition of herdsman


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The word "herdsman" originates from the Old English word "hærð" meaning a group of animals, typically cattle or sheep, and the Old English word "mann" meaning a person or human being. The Middle English term "hirdeman" combined these two words to mean a person who takes care of a group of cattle or sheep. In modern English, "herdsman" is a noun that refers to a person who looks after a herd of livestock, typically by providing them with food, water, and shelter, as well as protecting them from predators and keeping detailed records of their growth and health. This role is particularly important in agricultural societies where livestock are raised for their meat, wool, or milk, and where the productivity and welfare of animals is essential to the local economy and community.

  • The local herdsman tended to a flock of sheep with care and dedication, ensuring the health and safety of each animal under his watch.
  • The herdsman's dusty boots trudged wearily through the dewy grass as he made his rounds, checking on his cattle and goats.
  • Crouched before his campfire, the herdsman munched on a hard biscuit and sipped his steaming tea, enjoying the solitude of the rolling hills around him.
  • With each gentle touch and call, the herdsman encouraged his flock to follow him as he led them to fresh pasture, their soft bleats echoing behind him.
  • The herdsman's trusty dog trotted alongside him, affectionately nuzzling against his leg as they made their way through the rugged terrain.
  • Moisture beaded on the herdsman's face as he faced the blistering sun, the sweat pouring from his brow as he coaxed his sheep to drink from the nearby stream.
  • The herdsman's sharp ear picked up the distant rumble of thunder, he quickly gathered his flock close to protect them from the coming storm.
  • With the leaves rustling in the wind, the herdsman's steady hand guided his shepherd's crook as he gently herded his sheep into the night's shelter.
  • The herdsman's knowledge of the land proved crucial as he avoided the sharp rocks and treacherous cliffs, guiding his flock through the hazardous terrain.
  • The herdsman's heart swelled with gratitude as his sheep baa'd contentedly, seemingly proud of their caretaker's hard work and dedication.