Definition of grower


người trồng


The word "grower" originates from the Old English word "growan," meaning "to grow." The word "grower" itself first appeared in the 14th century as a noun referring to someone who cultivates plants. Over time, it has broadened to include anyone involved in cultivating, nurturing, or promoting growth, such as: * **A plant grower:** Someone who cultivates crops or plants for profit. * **A business grower:** Someone responsible for increasing revenue and expanding a company. * **A personal grower:** Someone focused on personal development and self-improvement. Despite the variety of contexts, "grower" fundamentally connects to the core concept of "growth" and its associated processes.


a person or company that grows plants, fruit or vegetables to sell

một người hoặc công ty trồng cây, hoa quả hoặc rau để bán

  • a tobacco grower

    người trồng thuốc lá

  • All our vegetables are supplied by local growers.

    Tất cả các loại rau của chúng tôi được cung cấp bởi người trồng địa phương.

a plant that grows in the way mentioned

một loại cây mọc theo cách đã đề cập

  • a fast/slow grower

    người trồng nhanh/chậm