Definition of harvester


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The word "harvester" originated from the Old English word "haefest", meaning autumn or harvest season. This season was critical for farmers as it was when they would gather their crops. During the Middle Ages, "haefest" was also used to refer to the farmers or laborers who would reap the crops during harvest time. The term "harvester" emerged in the 14th century as a more specific term to describe these workers. Additionally, the invention of mechanical harvesting machines in the 19th century, such as the reaper, thresher, and mower, further contributed to the evolution and popularization of the word "harvester". Today, the term "harvester" encompasses both human laborers and mechanical machines that gather crops during harvest season.


a machine that cuts and gathers grain

một máy cắt và thu thập ngũ cốc

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a person who helps to gather in the crops

một người giúp thu thập mùa màng

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