Definition of grovel




The word "grovel" has a fascinating etymology. It originated in the 15th century from the Old English word "grōvan," which means "to dig" or "to burrow." Initially, the word referred to animals, such as worms or insects, that move by digging through soil. Over time, the meaning expanded to describe human actions, like crawling or crawling on all fours. In the 17th century, the word's connotation shifted to convey a sense of humiliating or degrading oneself, often in a physical or humiliating manner. This meaning is derived from the idea of someone lowering themselves to the ground, as if they were crawling or burrowing. Today, the word "grovel" typically means to act in a subservient or humbled manner, often in a way that is considered undignified or embarrassing.


to show too much respect to somebody who is more important than you or who can give you something you want

thể hiện sự tôn trọng quá mức đối với ai đó quan trọng hơn bạn hoặc người có thể cho bạn thứ bạn muốn

  • He went grovelling to her for forgiveness.

    Anh ta đã quỳ xuống cầu xin cô tha thứ.

  • I’ve made a terrible mistake. Now I have to go back and grovel for my job.

    Tôi đã phạm phải một sai lầm khủng khiếp. Bây giờ tôi phải quay lại và quỳ gối xin việc.

Related words and phrases

to move along the ground on your hands and knees, especially because you are looking for something

di chuyển trên mặt đất bằng tay và đầu gối, đặc biệt là khi bạn đang tìm kiếm thứ gì đó

  • She was grovelling around on the floor, looking for her contact lens.

    Cô ấy đang loay hoay trên sàn nhà để tìm kính áp tròng.