Definition of glorification


tôn vinh


The word "glorification" stems from the Latin word "glorificare," which means "to make glorious." It was formed by combining "Gloria" (meaning "glory") and the verb "facere" (meaning "to make" or "to do"). "Glorificare" entered English around the 15th century as "glorifie," and eventually evolved into "glorification" in the 16th century. The word reflects the act of elevating something or someone to a state of high honor, praise, or admiration.


the act of making something seem better or more important than it really is

hành động làm cho một cái gì đó có vẻ tốt hơn hoặc quan trọng hơn thực tế

  • the glorification of war

    sự tôn vinh chiến tranh

the act of praising and worshipping God

hành động ca ngợi và thờ phượng Thiên Chúa

  • the glorification of God

    sự tôn vinh của Thiên Chúa