Definition of glacial


băng hà


The word "glacial" is derived from the Latin word "glacies," which means ice. In the 16th century, explorers traveling to the Arctic and Antarctic regions used the term "glacia" to describe large masses of frozen water that they encountered. As glaciology, the scientific study of glaciers, developed in the 19th century, the term "glacial" began to be used in a broader sense to describe not only the ice itself but also the features and landscapes created by glaciers. In geology, "glacial" refers to a period of intense glaciation that occurred during the last ice age, which lasted from approximately 110,000 to 10,000 years ago. During this time, much of the Earth's surface was covered in ice, shaping the landscape through the action of glaciers. Today, the term "glacial" is widely used in a variety of contexts, from environmental science to industrial manufacturing. In biology, for example, "glacial" refers to a solution that contains extremely concentrated mineral salts, while in chemistry, it describes a process that occurs very slowly, as in a "glacial" freezing point depression. Overall, the term "glacial" continues to be a useful descriptor, connecting us to the power and beauty of the ancient, frozen landscapes that played such a significant role in shaping our planet.


connected with the Ice Age

gắn liền với kỷ băng hà

  • the glacial period (= the time when much of the northern half of the world was covered by ice)

    thời kỳ băng hà (= thời điểm phần lớn nửa phía bắc của thế giới bị bao phủ bởi băng)

caused or made by glaciers; connected with glaciers

do sông băng gây ra hoặc tạo ra; kết nối với sông băng

  • a glacial landscape

    phong cảnh băng giá

  • glacial deposits/erosion

    trầm tích/xói mòn băng hà

very cold; like ice

rất lạnh; như băng

  • glacial winds/temperatures

    gió/nhiệt độ băng giá

  • the glacial waters of the Arctic

    vùng nước băng giá của Bắc Cực

  • The dining room was glacial.

    Phòng ăn lạnh như băng.

Related words and phrases

cold and unfriendly; not showing feelings

lạnh lùng và không thân thiện; không thể hiện cảm xúc

  • Her expression was glacial.

    Vẻ mặt cô lạnh lùng.

  • Relations between the two countries had always been glacial.

    Mối quan hệ giữa hai nước luôn trong tình trạng băng giá.

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