Definition of fraught


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The word "fraught" has a fascinating history. It originated in the 14th century from the Old French word "fraut", meaning "fruit" or "harvest". Initially, the word referred to something laden or filled with fruit, often in a sense of abundance or plenty. Over time, the meaning of "fraught" shifted to convey a sense of being heavily laden or burdened with something, whether it be emotional stress, anxiety, or turmoil. The word is often used to describe a situation or atmosphere that is tense, fraught with danger, or prone to sudden disaster. For example, "The mission was fraught with peril" or "Her nerves were fraught with anxiety before the big presentation". Despite its evolution, "fraught" retains its connection to the idea of being laden or burdened, making it a useful and evocative word in the English language.


filled with something unpleasant

chứa đầy thứ gì đó khó chịu

  • a situation fraught with danger/difficulty/problems

    một tình huống đầy nguy hiểm/khó khăn/vấn đề

causing or feeling worry and stress

gây ra hoặc cảm thấy lo lắng và căng thẳng

  • She looked/sounded fraught.

    Cô ấy trông/có vẻ căng thẳng.

  • There was a fraught silence.

    Có một sự im lặng nặng nề.

  • The atmosphere remained fraught.

    Bầu không khí vẫn đầy căng thẳng.

  • Things are as fraught as ever in the office.

    Mọi thứ vẫn căng thẳng như mọi khi ở văn phòng.

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