Definition of fizz




The etymology of the word "fizz" can be traced back to the mid-19th century, when a popular carbonated beverage called "formula water" was introduced in the United States. This beverage contained a mixture of mineral salts and lime juice, which created a bubbly and effervescent effect when it was mixed with water. The name "formula water" was not particularly memorable or catchy, so competitor beverage makers began to search for alternative names. One such name that gained popularity was "fizz water", which was likely derived from the English word "fizz" meaning "to crackle" or "to effervesce". "Fizz water" eventually evolved into just "fizz", likely due to its simplicity and easy-to-remember spelling. The term "fizzy" was also used interchangeably with "fizz", and both words came to be associated not just with carbonated beverages, but also with effervescence in general, such as in reference to an active or lively personality. Overall, the origin of the word "fizz" is a testament to the evolution of language and how words can take on new meanings over time as they are adopted and adapted in popular usage.


when a liquid fizzes, it produces a lot of bubbles and makes a long sound like an ‘s’

Khi chất lỏng sủi bọt, nó tạo ra nhiều bong bóng và phát ra âm thanh dài như chữ 's'

  • Champagne was fizzing in the glass.

    Rượu sâm panh đang sủi bọt trong ly.

to move a lot in a way that is exciting; to show that you are excited

di chuyển nhiều theo cách thú vị; để thể hiện rằng bạn rất hào hứng

  • Share prices are fizzing.

    Giá cổ phiếu đang tăng vọt.

  • He started to fizz with enthusiasm.

    Anh ta bắt đầu xì hơi vì nhiệt tình.