Definition of fishy



The word "fishy" has an interesting history. The term originally referred to someone or something that smelled like fish. This sense of the word dates back to the 16th century, when "fishy" was used to describe a strong, pungent odor reminiscent of fish. Over time, the term took on a broader meaning, becoming synonymous with something or someone that is suspicious, shady, or untrustworthy. This sense of "fishy" is thought to have originated in the 19th century, possibly due to the association between fish and spoiled or decaying matter. In modern English, "fishy" is often used as an adverb or adjective to describe something that seems questionable or untruthful, such as "I think there's something fishy going on here." Interestingly, the word has retained its connection to fish, with the phrase "something fishy" becoming a common idiom for describing something that doesn't smell quite right.


seeming or likely to be wrong, illegal or dishonest

có vẻ hoặc có khả năng là sai, bất hợp pháp hoặc không trung thực

  • There's something fishy going on here.

    Có điều gì đó đáng ngờ ở đây.

  • I don’t know what they’re up to. It sounds a distinctly fishy business.

    Tôi không biết họ đang làm gì. Nghe có vẻ là một vụ việc đáng ngờ.

Related words and phrases

smelling or tasting like a fish

có mùi hoặc vị giống cá

  • What's that fishy smell?

    Mùi tanh đó là gì thế?